Address all of the following points: Group member
1:1.Explain what app and business information solution you have selected, and why.Group member 2:2.Apply appropriate business theory to explain the strategic plan, position and objectives.Group member
3:3.Explain and justify the strategic, business and operational value created and delivered by the proposed app and BIS solutions.Group member
4:4.Analyze and explain specifically how your business will measure and evaluate its performance against the value claimed above. To do this, you will apply the Balanced Scorecard measurement tool as specifically as possible.Group member 5:5.Evaluate specifically how the app will integrate with the five information system components to manage your data and information.
ASSESSMENT CRITERIA& GUIDANCE Marks will be weighted at 70%individual contribution, 30%group quality and coherence:
Evidence of knowledge, understanding and analysis of relevant tools and techniques appropriate for the successful evaluation and implementation of information systems that demonstrate the potential to create and deliver business value. (30 marks)
Evidence of academic and intellectual skills required to meet business needs in evaluation of appropriate software packages and relevant theories.(30 marks)
Ability to present clearly and accurately.(20marks)
Ability to analyze and respond to questioning.(10marks)
Professional appearance, body language, clarity and tone of voice, eye contact and pace of delivery.(10 marks)You may bring a small note card to the meeting (no bigger than A5) containing any data or key bullet points;however, you MUST NOT read from a script when speaking. Reading from a script will incur a 25% penalty to your overall mark. You are expected to demonstrate clear understanding of your proposals. This is a formal board meeting. The Chairperson(lecturer)will invite each presenter to speak and answer questions. When invited to speak, each presenter will have two minutes to deliver their responses. This time limit will apply each time you are invited to speak. If you exceed your time limit, the Chairperson will stop you in order to keep the meeting moving. Therefore, you should focus on delivering concise and precise briefings on the aspects of the information system you present. This is a professional meeting. Students are expected to arrive at least 10 minutes prior to the scheduled start time. Students who are late for the start of the meeting will lose all 10 marks awarded for professionalism.Students who fail to attend the meeting will fail the assessment. All meetings will take place within scheduled teaching hours for the module, or during scheduled assessment periods as dictated by the Faculty Office.
POINTS TO CONSIDER Task requirements:
1.These are basic, initial questions to consider for the first group requirement:
What is your business? In which sector does it operate? What products and/or services does it provide? What processes support this? What does it need to grow?This requirement is not merely an introduction.The proposed solutions need to be made clear throughout the presentation.
2.Task 2 requires you to analyze and explain your competitive strategy in terms of your mission, vision, competitive position and objectives.
3.Make sure your group understands the words used and what is asked for in requirement 2above. Value in a business context is particularly important. Your value needs to be classified in terms of level and type as explained in class.
4.To analyze is to disaggregate (or,to break down into relevant parts)in order better to understand an issue,and therefore,explain it convincingly. Your group should be able to demonstrate this with your application of the balanced scorecard to manage organizational performance.
5.Your app is just the front end of your BIS and must not be presented in isolation. Use the information system component model (hardware, software, data, telecommunications and human resources) to show your understanding of how data and information flow is created and managed throughout your organization.Lectures, tutorials and the VLE materials curate and present a range of relevant theory and concepts to support your BIS development (e.g. value chain, virtual value chain, IPOS model, generic strategy, five forces analysis, system theory, three levels of strategy and data-information-knowledge model). Select from the theory covered in class and make sure you both explain the theory and show how you applied it to your BIS development.