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“In which types of non-electoral political participation do citizens engage more? In which ones do citizens engage less? Are citizens in *country 1* more or less active politically than in *country 2*?”

Research Questions

Your report will address one topic of your choice from the following two options:

Option 1: “Trust in political institutions. A comparison of political attitudes in two European countries”

If you choose option 1, you will explore differences in levels of trust in a range of political institutions. You will compare citizen attitudes towards political institutions in two European countries of your choice from the list provided (see below). The research questions guiding your analysis will be: “Which political institutions do citizens trust more? Which ones do they trust less? How do attitudes towards political institutions in *country 1* compare to attitudes in *country 2*?”


Option 2: “Engagement in non-electoral forms of political participation. A comparison of political behaviour in two European countries”.

If you choose option 2 you will explore differences in levels of citizen engagement in a range of non-electoral modes of political participation. You will compare patterns of political behaviour in two European countries of your choice from the list provided (see below). The research questions guiding your analysis will be: “In which types of non-electoral political participation do citizens engage more? In which ones do citizens engage less? Are citizens in *country 1* more or less active politically than in *country 2*?”

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