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David Kennedy suggests some reason(s) for the decline in violence among gangsters. Is he right?

This activity will assist you in understanding innovative programs used to reduce gang activity.
Book used for the class: Valdez, A. (2018). Gangs A guide to understanding street gangs (5th ed.). Laguna Hills: Qwikcodes.
Your textbook presents TARGET (Tri Agency Gang Enforcement Team) as a gang reduction program. There are others. Based on your readings in this course and any other scholarly sources or personal experiences, respond to the following:
Make sure you read each article before you respond.
David Kennedy suggests some reason(s) for the decline in violence among gangsters. Is he right? His article and supporting articles are below:

Module Outcome 2: Identify and describe the future initiatives that are likely to be successful in fighting the gang problem and explain why you think they are likely to succeed.
Module Outcome 3: Describe and explain the methods used by law enforcement and corrections to control gangs.

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