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Book review  “The Parthenon by Mary Beard” and “Architecture and Meaning on the Athenian Acropolis by Robin Francis Rhodes”

Book review  “The Parthenon by Mary Beard” and “Architecture and Meaning on the Athenian Acropolis by Robin Francis Rhodes”

Your review should begin with a succinct discussion of the common theme and a very brief introduction to the works you will consider. Then you should consider the following aspects of each publication.

What is covered in each book? (but avoid listing the contents of each work at length). What are the central theses or issues presented by each author? Does the book thoroughly address the issues it engages? Are there pertinent issues that have been slighted or ignored in the book? What is the projected audience for this book (general public, academics, architects)? What are its production values (quality of printing, photographs, etc.)? How clear and interesting is the text? Comparing quotes from each book on the same building or theme could reveal significant differences in the authors’ styles and methods.


You need to remember that you are writing an integrated essay that compares the merits of the works you are considering. Your conclusion will thoroughly discuss the relative value of each book to your understanding of the topic. You must explain the reasons for your criticism or praise for each book. Merely saying you loved or hated a book is not enough. Also, be careful not make the books victims of your own prejudices or preconceptions. You must be reasonable and avoid judging a book by impossible standards.

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