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submit three brief Deliverable Reports based on your analysis of a “running case” (“This Makes Scents” – located in the textbook) for your ePortfolio.


HR e-Portfolio Assignment

PURPOSE: E-portfolios provide a rich resource for students to demonstrate achievement of important learning outcomes, make connections among various topics and elements of a course. During this active learning assignment, the fundamental principles of Human Resources Management will be learned in the process of creating three HR deliverables. Not only will this assignment provide a valuable learning experience, it will also provide high quality samples for your professional portfolio that can be shown to potential employers.

OVERVIEW: During this term, you will submit three brief Deliverable Reports based on your analysis of a “running case” (“This Makes Scents” – located in the textbook) for your ePortfolio. The case has multiple parts that highlight and integrate application of various human resource management topics and issues. At the end of each report, you will also briefly reflect about your progress (strengths, weaknesses, and improvements) in order to gain insights leading to improvement, and further develop your identities as learners (e.g., what do I know; what am I able to do; what do I still need to learn).

INSTRUCTIONS: Answer all 6 questions

Incorporate at least 2 peer-reviewed journal articles and additional high-quality secondary sources for this deliverable.
Weighted 25% of this assignment
Maximum length: 4.5 pages (includes maximum 1⁄2 page Reflection section)


• Title page

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Any figures, tables, graphics should be placed in a separate Appendix section at the end of report. Deductions may be applied for exceeding maximum length requirements.
Format: 1.5 line spacing, 2 cm margins (top, left, right, bottom)

Utilize headings and sub-headings to organize content and ideas
Submit as MS Word file to designated Assignments Dropbox (Assignments area in top Toolbar)

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