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Explain what actions you would take as a leader of the organization to help fix the problem(s). Discuss why you believe these actions will fix the problem(s).

Organizational Learning Disabilities We learned about Senge’s seven learning disabilities and how each can affect an organization. For this assignment, you will think back to your time at any type of organization or team and connect to Senge’s teachings to describe at least two of the learning disabilities you have experienced. Instructions: For each learning […]

List the five forces of “Porter’s five forces” industry framework-Illustrate Porter’s five forces industry framework through a local example.

Discussion Q1- Read the article at the following link. https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/strate… (Question): Define Strategic Thinking. List the three ways in which companies formulate strategy. Explain any one rule of strategic thinking.   Q2- Watch the video at the following link. (Question): List the five forces of “Porter’s five forces” industry framework. Illustrate Porter’s five forces industry […]

Identify the well-being initiatives discussed in this case study and indicate their role in an effective HR environment.

HR Management Read the case given below and answer the questions: Celtic Packaging who had introduced several the initiatives that were advocated in the previous year. Celtic is a consumer packaging manufacturer based in South Wales which employs approximately 450 staff in a manufacturing plant producing rigid plaster containers for the food manufacturing industry. Most […]

State two goals you hope to achieve through applying your coursework this term to your workplace experience

ASSIGNMENT Executive format programs have an applied learning component (internship/practicum) that is an integral (essential) part of the established curriculum. These programs require the student take part in an internship (that is offered by the sponsoring employer through a cooperative agreement with the school), job shadow experience, or job reflection experience. The INTR course serves […]

Based on your research from Questions 5 & 6, describe how the relationship between salary and cost-of-living could impact your spending power and ability to meet expenses/pay bills.

Management Academic and Career Planning – 30 Points – Estimated time to complete – 90 minutes Grades are based on standards outlined in Grading & Assignment Expectations in Content (How to Download, Upload, and Format Assignments and How to Meet College-Level Writing Expectations). Responses should be original, in your own words, not copy and paste […]

What responsibility does the HR manager have for paying equally qualified employees?

Corporate Governance, Ethics, and Responsibility Case, HR decision At your company, imagine an HR manager who is hiring two employees. Assume that the top two candidates, one male and one female, are equally qualified and that the HR manager wishes to hire both. Assume that the HR manager himself will get evaluated, in part, by […]

Write a 4–5 page paper that outlines your informational interview with a human resource leader. Explain the leader’s role and unique perspectives of human resource leadership.

ASSIGNMENT Conduct an informational interview with a human resource professional in which you explore the leadership side of human resources. Write a 4–5 page paper that outlines your informational interview with a human resource leader. Explain the leader’s role and unique perspectives of human resource leadership. You will also analyze how this advises you on […]

Provide a detailed explanation of the legal environment and how it impacts businesses.

TASK The paper should address the following: Provide a detailed explanation of the legal environment and how it impacts businesses. Why do you think it is important for managers to understand the legal environment of business? Explain with examples or other real world experiences.  

What are the strategic issues involved with contingent and flexible workers for a company pursuing a lowest cost strategy?

CMRJ601 Questions 1 Summarize the four activities that can help minimize discriminatory performance appraisal practices. 2 Compensation represents both the intrinsic and extrinsic rewards employees receive for performing their jobs. Together, both intrinsic and extrinsic compensation describe a company’s total compensation system. Briefly describe both types of rewards and indicate the professionals who are responsible […]

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