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Critically analyse the legal issues according to the rules of international criminal law.

The  ICL CW will consist of a case study on a potential ICC case.

the ICC Chief Prosecutor has started to look into the situation and determine the existence or not of international crimes.  She has asked you to provide her with a report on the possible culpability and legal prosecutions for genocide, crimes against humanity or war crimes, in view of the ICC’s material and financial resources, of:
President Habanero,
AND either Hannibal Auberginia or Ruby Dracul.

The submitted essay has to be typed or word-processed, must be clear and presentable, in ARIAL font size 12 and one and a half line spaced. In order to expect to pass this module, you must use footnotes and a bibliography.

With referencing, ultimately, what really matters is that any external source that you will use in your CW should be properly AND FULLY referenced, whether you use your own words (paraphrase) or not (direct quotation). So, try to be as precise as possible. Failure to do so will result in being guilty of plagiarism. Please remember that all CWs submitted at the Law School go through a plagiarism detector called Turnitin. In law, we use the OSCOLA referencing system:

By submitting an assignment you are declaring yourself fit to take the assessment therefore please make sure that if you are unwell you understand our extensions and mitigating circumstances process:
Aims / Learning outcomes
This will require students to:
demonstrate an ability to identify relevant sources;
handle a large volume of material (some quite abstract);
critically analyse and synthesise that material in terms of the question set;
employ standard academic conventions including, in particular, the use of evidence to support all arguments and statements of fact or opinion;
demonstrate proper use of language and attention to details of grammar and punctuation;
critically analyse the legal issues according to the rules of international criminal law.

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