Part 1 – Case study analysis on change leadership (2500 words + 10%)
The case study is attached below. This case provides a summary of Steve Jobs’ career, his
accomplishments, and the success achieved by his most successful company, Apple. The analysis of his
leadership through Bass and Avolio’s (1994) four factors of transformational leadership and Kouzes and
Posner’s (2012) closely related five practices of exemplary leaders provides a framework to discuss the
transformational leadership aspects of Steve Jobs. You are also expected to conduct your own
research in addition to the case study to support your argument within the essay. Also, ensure
that you are critical of the sources you use, and adhere to the Harvard style of referencing. |
Part 2 – Reflective essay (1000 words + 10%)
Reflecting on your learning about emergent leadership skills module. Here you should try to synthesise
your learning experience in this module about leadership overall. You may also wish to consider if there
are any significant aspects of leadership which have not been touched on in the module.
You also need to reflect on personal leadership styles and abilities with reference to workplace
examples. Since this is a reflective piece, your discussions/reflection could be written in the first
person. However, you still need to provide evidence to back up claims.