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Select 3 critical incidents and analyze them. Frame your analyses of each incident using the dimensions from the INCA survey.


Activity 1

This assignment demonstrates your professional writing skills as well as your intercultural communication competency. It fulfills outcomes:

Apply communication theories to organizational communication challenges

Recognize and respond constructively to cultural differences in communication

It consists of two parts:

Part 1:

Complete the INCA survey and develop a one-page reflection summarizing your ideas.

Part 2:

Select 3 critical incidents and analyze them. Frame your analyses of each incident using the dimensions from the INCA survey. Your analysis should contain at least three scholarly references that pertain directly to the incident. Your analysis should be complete and supported by the literature not an opinion.

Complete both parts in a formal written paper using APA format. Use headings to mark each part: Part 1 and Part 2. Use subheadings to indicate the discussion of each critical incident. Please review the requirements for all written assignments on page 3 of the syllabus. You should also review the course rubric for a breakdown of the assignment scoring.

Include a chart or graph to support your written analysis. Just be sure to explain the information presented in the chart or graph.

INCA is an acronym for Intercultural Competency Assessment. The purpose of the INCA survey is for you to examine your intercultural awareness and assess your cultural sensitivity. This activity is designed to help you become aware of your own attitude towards cultural diversity. The dimensions of cultural competence measured by the INCA survey are:1) Tolerance of ambiguity, 2) Behavioral flexibility, 3) Communicative awareness, 4) Knowledge discovery, 5) Respect for Otherness, and 6) Empathy.

NOTE: This project and the instrument created was funded by the Council of Europe and the Leonardo da Vinci II Program. You can read more about this project, if you are interested, here:

Directions: Complete all of the INCA Survey questions. When you are done, use the INCA survey student manual to help you analyze your results. Read about the different dimensions of intercultural competency and what they mean.

Note that a total score for the INCA survey is not important for the purpose of this assignment. (You will not get a total score).

All the resources for this assignment are under Assignment Resources.




Intercultural Competence Scoresheet

Critical Incidents

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