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Explain how a contemporary influence makes either a positive or a negative contribution to peer influence on adolescent sexual decision making.

Social Work SEXUAL DECISION MAKING Adolescent sexual decision making is a very complex phenomenon. It is a time when individuals may become interested in more intimate relationships and experimentation. During this stage, adolescents may contemplate whether to engage in intercourse or abstain from sexual relations. Many factors may influence an adolescent’s sexual decision making including […]

Select a researchable topic and develop problem statements and research question and hypothesis.

Social Work TASK Purpose: Submit their research proposal as a final product of this course. Through this assignment, student will demonstrate that they will be able to: Select a researchable topic and develop problem statements and research question and hypothesis. Explain the use of critical thinking skills in the examination of beliefs, assumptions and generalizations […]

How is your college experience gendered, if at all?-Brainstorm both norms and policies

Higher education as a gendered institution. We’ve introduced the idea that education is a gendered institution governed by norms and policies and that the salience of gender often ebbs and flows across different contexts, activities, and spaces. Consider the particular organization in which you are now embedded: college. Brainstorm the ways in which your college […]

Compare and contrast the theories and discuss which theory, functionalism or conflict theory, is better for explaining the purpose and role of the family in society and why.

Writing Sociological perspective on family This is a comparison and contrast essay between functionalist and conflict views on family as a social institution. Review the functionalist perspectives on family from Theoretical Perspectives of Family (attached). Format This paper should be about 750-1300 words or about 3 to 5 double-spaced typed pages.make sure that they are […]

Choose, describe, and apply at least two concepts from the course that correspond to your topic.

Final: Current Event Video Presentation Guidelines A Sociological Perspective of Current Events The implications of sociological analysis are endless when one opens the morning newspaper or views news channels, news websites and other media platforms. This assignment is meant to get you thinking about how sociological analysis can add insight to everyday situations and our […]

Explain how the ideas and analyses of race forwarded by sociologist W.E.B. DuBois help you to understand the life and experiences of your author. Be specific.

Autobiography. ( tyler perry: Higher is waiting) Sociological Content. ( sociology 1-3 PowerPoint should help with the autobiograph Based on readings in your textbook, The Core, including such topics as sociological theories, socialization, culture, deviance, stratification, gender, the family and religion and other topics, elaborate on the content topics listed below and integrate these topics […]

Discuss gender stratification and provide examples of gender stratification from the U.S. or other societies.

Journal Reflection What are the distinctions in sociology between the terms sex and gender? What importance does the differentiation between the terms have in modern society? Also discuss gender stratification and provide examples of gender stratification from the U.S. or other societies. Find a recent news piece (within the last year) related to gender or […]

What are the characteristics of those, when they jaywalk, who seem to be followed by people who were previously waiting for the light to change?

Jaywalking study Lab Exercise: Observing Jaywalkers *Observe social dynamics of jaywalking defined narrowly: pedestrians crossing street against light at intersectiod Pick 2 intersections, & observe at each for 20 minutes. Notes and analysis should focus on two questions: Who jaywalks and who doesn’t? What characteristics describe each group? Who stimulates jaywalking by others? What are […]

Discuss the ways in which each of the other components of the demographic transition lead up to and help explain the family and household transition.

ASSIGNMENT Why do you think that race and ethnicity affect life chances in so many different societies? Discuss the ways in which each of the other components of the demographic transition lead up to and help explain the family and household transition. The United States is one of the countries reporting that there is no […]

Research and explain the pros and cons of this debate. After you have presented both sides of the debate, decide where you stand in this debate and why.

Legalization of marijuana The debate over the legalization of marijuana in the United States has been raging for over a century, with both sides having clear points of view. Research and explain the pros and cons of this debate. After you have presented both sides of the debate, decide where you stand in this debate […]

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