State the main independent variable? How was it manipulated?
HINT: Recall, manipulation operations are designed to change the value a variable (Dixon et al. 2019, p. 114-115) and review Sherman et al. (1992), p. 146-147
What is the main dependent variable? What are the other dependent variables? Discuss how were they measured.
HINT: Outcome Measures
Briefly state the general research question that motivates the study.
HINT: You must state an interrogative sentence to receive credit.
What type of experiment – laboratory or field – did Sherman et al. (1992) conduct? Discuss the experimental procedure. HINT: Carefully review “Variations in Experimental Context,” (Dixon, Singleton, and Straits, 2019, p.188-193 and see figure 7.2, p. 193)
What are the results? Explain.
HINT: What role the background of an alleged DV offender may play in relation to the outcome variable?
Did Sherman et al. (1992) explicitly check to see if the three experimental groups in the MiLDVE were balanced in terms of measured background variables? If so, are there any unbalanced background variables (HINT: Look for any tables comparing background variables to treatment as assigned groups, if any such table exists in the Sherman et al., 1992. Such tables must report frequency counts and percentages, not rates, see below for an example)?