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Review the domestic and/or international literature on programs that use earned incentives and privileges schemes like the IEP at QCS.

1.Begin with a brief but clear introduction to the paper.

2. Next, review the domestic and/or international literature on programs that use earned incentives and privileges schemes like the IEP at QCS. Clearly explain how these programs work, and tell the reader what the research says about their effectiveness, benefits and/or limitations. Yes, you can talk about programs in Australia or other countries. Remember though that you don’t have a lot of space to work with so narrow your focus here.

3. Next, think about the purpose or rationale of these earned incentive schemes. Select a punishment rationale that we cover in the class (Reading attached). Define the rationale, then discuss WHETHER OR NOT these incentive schemes are justified based on the rationale, and why this is the case.

4. Finally, write a conclusion that summarises your research and includes a brief recommendation about the use of earned incentive type programs based on your findings.

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