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Do you vote for or against the bill? Why? Regardless of your vote, what else would you do as a state legislator to try to reduce the crime rate? How would your efforts relate to a sociological understanding of crime and deviance?

Click on this link and read only chapter 7 and answer the questions
Sociology: Understanding and Changing the Social World


Answer the questions below in detail for full credit:

1) What is the difference between deviance and crime? Provide an example of informal and formal deviance.

2) Explain Emile Durkheim’s arguments on deviance crime. Do you agree? Why or why not?

3) According to the labeling theory, what happens to an individual when they are labeled deviant?

4) The differential association theory argues people learn deviance through significant others. Provide an example of this.

5) Conflict theorist assume deviance promotes inequalities in society? How so?

6) How can we find crime statistics?

7) What are victimless crimes? Provide an example.

8)Why are African Americans more likely than whites to fear walking around their homes at night?

9) Imagine that you are a member of your state legislature. As a sociology major in college, you learned that the get-tough approach to crime, involving harsher criminal sentencing and the increased use of incarceration, costs much money and is not very effective in reducing crime. A bill comes before the legislature that would double the minimum prison term for several types of violent crime. You realize that this change in policy would probably do little to reduce the crime rate and eventually cost millions of dollars in increased incarceration costs, but you also recognize that if you vote against the bill, your opponent in the upcoming election will charge that you are soft on crime. Do you vote for or against the bill? Why? Regardless of your vote, what else would you do as a state legislator to try to reduce the crime rate? How would your efforts relate to a sociological understanding of crime and deviance?

10) Watch the Middle Ground: Anti death penalty vs death penalty video. How does this video make you feel? Does the video change your beliefs about the death penalty? Why or why not?

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