Critically define the following Terms Using Social Model to critique the medical model of definitions:
Ageism, Stigma, Social Capital, Age Discrimination.
1:2 Advocacy: Critically discuss why self-advocacy, peer advocacy, and citizen advocacy is good as opposed to professional advocacy for the elderly in the community.
1:3 Ethical Dilemmas and Conflicts
Discuss in detail how the following professional dilemmas and conflicts in Health and social care has contributed to promoting the following theories:
Ageism as a Theory, link this to Organisational conflict Organisations such as W.H.O, NHS, ONS, give statistics using ONS, and discuss how this has deskilled or disempowered older adults over the age of 75 and over during Covid 19, living in the community. Please NOTE: this must reflect Learning outcome 1.
Prejudice as a theory, please link this to professional interest : As an ethical dilemma and a conflict, link this to Learning outcome 1.
Discrimination and managerial interests – specifically discuss constraints of finances, the effects of power, use of social media that had played a significant role in deskilling older adults during COVID 19: Must reflect L.O 1.