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Identify an instance or situation in which artistic expression has been used in support social justice advocacy.

Identify an instance or situation in which artistic expression has been used in support social justice advocacy. Your example should include some aspect of “out-group” advocacy, i.e., individuals who do not self-identify (based on their social location) with the group for whom their artistic expressions advocate social justice (e.g., the earlier example of Andy Murray […]

Describe how these two suggestions align with the ANA Position Statement, The Nurse’s Role in Addressing Discrimination: Protecting and Promoting Inclusive Strategies in Practice Settings, Policy, and Advocacy?

1. Based on the state and national success stories highlighted in Villarruel, Lecher & Carver, 2015) and global initiatives noted in the Rosa, Upvall, Beck & Dossey, 2019 article: a. What 2 suggestions do you have to initiate/promote diversity programs in your state or local area? b. Describe how these two suggestions align with the […]

Discuss the nursing scope of practice for the State of Illinois.

examine one’s role as a practical nurse in ways that reflect integrity, responsibility, accountability, ethical practices, and an evolving professional identity as a nurse committed to evidence-based practice, caring, advocacy, and quality care. In 2-3 pages, discuss the nursing scope of practice for the State of Illinois. Give examples from your own practice and/or clinical […]

Identify your chosen organization and supply a brief history of it.

Your paper should be 5–6 pages in length. Choose an advocacy organization local to you. Then provide the following information: First, identify your chosen organization and supply a brief history of it. Next, identify and briefly (in 1–2 paragraphs) explain the problem(s) or issue(s) that the organization is intended to address. Finally, define the stated […]

Identify a healthcare concern in your city or state that needs your advocacy with an elected official. What is the impetus and rationale for your selection?

Identify a healthcare concern in your city or state that needs your advocacy with an elected official. What is the impetus and rationale for your selection? What is your solution to this concern? Describe the model of policy making that you feel would be best applied to your policy concern and the rationale for selecting […]

What kind of advocacy have you done in the past? Is there some aspect of advocacy that you are ready to engage in?Which aspects do you need to think about and work on more?

In the appendix, at the back of the book, starting on page 110 and continuing to page 121, there is a Self-Assessment covering chapters 3, 4, 5, and 6. Please answer questions thoroughly and concisely. The categories areas are: Knowledge and Skills Answer these two questions. In which two of the nine core knowledge areas […]

Identify at least five sources pertinent to the consumer challenge you identified in the first part of this project. At least three of the sources must be articles from professional peer-reviewed publications.Describe methods of advocacy that you could use to present your recommendations.

In the first part of this project, you identified a consumer challenge related to equity, access, affordability, and/or social justice in health care and analyzed the impact of legislation on the problem. Now, you will be searching the literature to identify potential solutions and ways of recommending them. Searching for evidence is a critical step […]

Identify a problem or concern in your state, community, or organization that has the capacity for advocacy through legislation.

For this assignment, identify a problem or concern in your state, community, or organization that has the capacity for advocacy through legislation. Research the issue and use the “Advocacy Through Legislation” template to complete this assignment.

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