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Discuss the nursing scope of practice for the State of Illinois.

examine one’s role as a practical nurse in ways that reflect integrity, responsibility, accountability, ethical practices, and an evolving professional identity as a nurse committed to evidence-based practice, caring, advocacy, and quality care. In 2-3 pages, discuss the nursing scope of practice for the State of Illinois. Give examples from your own practice and/or clinical […]

To what degree does the implementation of a five-component fall prevention bundle impact the fall rate when compared to a three-component bundle among adult inpatients in medical-surgical units in Illinois over four weeks?

To what degree does the implementation of a five-component fall prevention bundle impact the fall rate when compared to a three-component bundle among adult inpatients in medical-surgical units in Illinois over four weeks?

Discuss the importance for the school social worker to be knowledgeable on Common Core State Standards (Illinois). What is the role of the School Social Worker in your district?

Discuss the importance for the school social worker to be knowledgeable on Common Core State Standards (Illinois). What is the role of the School Social Worker in your district? If the School Social Worker does not have a role, how might you see a School Social Worker supporting Common Core in the district where you […]

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