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How does the nurse in each scenario use informatics in his or her work?

Scenario 1: Helen has recently graduated from nursing school and passed her boards. Last week, she completed her orientation period on the medical nursing unit at Good Samaritan General Hospital. Scenario 2: Paul is a registered nurse in the neurosurgery unit at Good Samaritan General Hospital. He has been a staff nurse for ten years […]

Describe three patient care technologies used at the agency assigned. Include the purpose and the role of the nurse or health care provider in the use of the technology and its impact on patient care.

Description Week 1 Informatics Journal in Medical Surgical Unit Complete a reflective journal (see rubric) on one of the following topics below: a) Describe three patient care technologies used at the agency assigned. Include the purpose and the role of the nurse or health care provider in the use of the technology and its impact […]

Critically analyse the evidence base for your stated aspect of practice.

Description 1500 word critical reflection on learning to enable you to evidence how you will progress to the surgical first assistant role Level 6 1-Clearly Articulate a purpose and rational for exploring and identified aspect of practice 2- Critically analyse the evidence base for your stated aspect of practice. 3 – Critically explore the potential […]

What are the best strategies for reducing fall risk on post-operative surgical patients during hospital stays?Discuss

Description If you were to implement a EBP( Evidence based practice) initiative to answer your clinical or management question: : What are the best strategies for reducing fall risk on post-operative surgical patients during hospital stays?) How would you ensure that ethical principles are fostered? Would this project be classified as research? Does this proposed […]

To what degree does the implementation of a five-component fall prevention bundle impact the fall rate when compared to a three-component bundle among adult inpatients in medical-surgical units in Illinois over four weeks?

To what degree does the implementation of a five-component fall prevention bundle impact the fall rate when compared to a three-component bundle among adult inpatients in medical-surgical units in Illinois over four weeks?

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