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Write a three-part, 750–1500 word, in-depth analysis in which you assess the feasibility and profitability of launching a product in a foreign country.

Write a three-part, 750–1500 word, in-depth analysis in which you assess the feasibility and profitability of launching a product in a foreign country.
The importance of a thorough analysis to determine the feasibility of launching a product in a new market abroad cannot be overstated. A careful consideration of such factors as cultural communications, global organizational structures and hierarchies, negotiations, and international business ethics is vital to the success of market expansion ventures.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
• Competency 1: Analyze cultural communications that affect international business.
o Describe the cross-cultural communication issues that could result from differences in the social, political, and legal structures and hierarchies of a foreign country and those of the United States.
• Competency 2: Evaluate patterns of global organizational structure and hierarchies.
o Describe the social, political, and legal structures and hierarchies of a country relevant to market expansion.
o Compare the social, political, and legal structures and hierarchies of a country to those of the United States.
• Competency 3: Analyze the role of international business culture in the negotiation process.
o Propose a company management structure suitable for business operations abroad, based on the business culture of the host country.
• Competency 4: Assess the feasibility of business operation in other countries.
o Assess market potential, considering the market situations of 2–3 competitors.
o Determine the price for a product in a competitive market.
o Propose an international business strategy for launching and promoting a product.
o Identify the key fiscal considerations that might affect profitability.
o Evaluate potential barriers to entry into a foreign market.
o Describe the key considerations for conducting production operations abroad.

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