Scenario 1:The Abu Ghuraib story: The individual who accidently gained access to the now notoriousphotos at Abu Ghuraib prison felt ethically responsible to share this informa!on, tocommunicate with his military superiors. Beyond the duty to the military to disciplineindividuals involved, a larger issue is whether releasing this informa!on to the public,complete with pictures, was the appropriate thing to do? Should the possible public releaseof this informa!on played a role in this individual’s ethical decision making?Norris, M. (2006, August 15) Abu Ghraib Whistleblower Speaks Out.
4/28/21, 7:43 PMWeek 1 – Assignment: Examine Ethics in Communication Scenario Analysis – PSY-6103 V2: Human Communication (0272071071)Page 2 of 4
Scenario 2:Jason is your sister Leah’s husband. He travels a lot for his work, some!mes for weeks at a!me. When he is at home, he is either busy with his job, going to sports events with hisbuddies, or stopping in on his own mom. Leah works late when Jason is out of town. Leah’sassistant Joey o#en drives her home so she will not have to ride the subway late. Lately, hehas started stopping in for coffee. It appears that your sister is filling in the blanks of her life with her assistant at work. Whenyou realized how serious things were ge$ng, you had a talk with her. You told her sheneeded to make some clear decisions and choices in her life before everyone involved gothurt. In the mean!me, Joey, who had grown quite a%ached, transferred to anotherdepartment to avoid conflict with the company’s rules; however, he kept calling and“running into” her both at work and around town. The last straw came when Joey le# amessage on her answering machine while Jason was out of town: “Leah, it’s Joe. We’ve justgot to talk. I can’t take this anymore. Meet me at the café.” Leah called you and told youthat she was planning to meet Joey to tell him things were off between them. About half an hour later, you answer the door and find Jason, furious. He says he camehome early to surprise Leah and found that message on the machine. Your number was thenext one on the list of calls. So, he demands to know who Joey is and what this whole thingis about. You invite Jason in and as you brew some coffee, you think about the situa!on.You have never really liked the way Jason neglects Leah—trea!ng her as though she doesnot even exist. Now, it’s probably all over. What good would it be to tell him? On the otherhand, how can you lie about it when you knew about everything all along?What should you do? What would you communicate to Jason and how would you do it?Think this through ethically according to the principles in the text or in Standard 4: Privacyand Confiden!ality in the APA Principles and Code of Ethics.
Scenario 3:Yo u a r e a m e n t a l h e a l t h i n t a k e w o r k e r i n a s m a l l t o w n . W h e n y o u c o m e h o m e f r o m w o r kone night, you find that your daughter Jasmine has gone to a sleepover at the home of Billand Sherry Jackson. You are distraught. Bill Jackson had been referred to a therapist at yourcenter because he reported having fantasies about touching young girls inappropriately. Hewas never reported to authori!es because, according to him, things never went beyond afantasy. From his records, you know that Bill le# therapy a#er a few sessions of behavioraltraining and never returned. While you do not really know if he will do anything wrong, justthe idea that he may be having inappropriate thoughts about your daughter, and that she
4/28/21, 7:43 PMWeek 1 – Assignment: Examine Ethics in Communication Scenario Analysis – PSY-6103 V2: Human Communication (0272071071)Page 3 of 4 1’s Assignment.docx(29.55 KB)Aug 17, 2019 7:14 AMFeedbackSubmissionsDrop files here, or click below!UploadChoose Exis!ngYou can upload files up to a maximum of 100 MB.will be there all night long, really upsets you. You explode at your wife LaToya. “I can’tbelieve you let her go to the Jackson’s house overnight without even asking me!” LaToyaresponses, “What’s the big deal? She’s gone on overnights before. Don’t tell me you’reworried just because the Jacksons are white. I’m sure that race doesn’t ma%er to them.” What should you do? From an ethical viewpoint, can you tell your wife the reasons for yourconcern? From a personal and family viewpoint, can you not tell her?
If you suddenly bring your daughter home, will this indicate a lack of trust in Bill or that your privilegedinforma!on has affected how you view their family?