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Should Marijuana Be Legal?Explain your answer.

You must fill out this form, with typed text, and submit it on Canvas as a Microsoft Word or PDF document.
Make sure you fill out every space in the form, below. Don’t delete any prompts or leave any spaces blank, unless otherwise noted.
If you want to ADD any new sections then feel free to do so. You can add a fourth Main Point, new Supporting Sentences, or etc. But don’t feel like you need to add any new sections. Your outline doesn’t need to be any longer than what is shown, below. You may add sub-points in any part of this outline should you need further explanation.
This formal outline must be written in complete sentences. Do not write sentence fragments, and do not use run-on sentences. Every entry must be written as a complete sentence, including “Main Points.”
Do not include every word you are going to say during your presentation in this outline. The statements on this outline should require additional verbiage to become a comprehensive presentation.
You must provide APA style in-text, parenthetical citations after every sentence that was influenced by an outside source. Overall, you must provide at least one in-text parenthetical citation corresponding with each reference you provide in the References section.

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