Appropriately cite any quotes drawn from the course texts and any website references. Inappropriate or missing citations are plagiarism.
Issue Review Paper
Issue Review Papers should not be approached like an essay for English class. Rather answer each question in order.
Make sure you fully address each question, but be concise.
1. Position on issue
a.In a sentence, summarize one possible position on the issue.
b.List three facts or ideas from the readings that support the position . Explain your reasoning of how the evidence supports the position .
c. What are the implications of this position? In other words, if this position were enacted, what could happen next?
2. Conflicting position on issue
a. In a sentence, summarize another possible position on the issue.
b. List three facts or ideas from the readings that support the position . Explain your reasoning of how the evidence supports the position .
c. What are the implications of this position? In other words, if this position were enacted, what could happen next?
3.What was the most interesting thing that you learned studying this issue? Why was it interesting to you?