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Which leadership style or styles do you think will work best when working with learners, either as an adult learner instructor, a teacher-leader or as an administrative leader? Why?

Stakeholders are individuals or groups who have an interest or concern for the school. Thus, a healthy relationship between the teachers and stakeholders is important, as this will enable everybody to harmoniously work together, which will have a positive impact on the students .

Which leadership style or styles do you think will work best when working with learners, either as an adult learner instructor, a teacher-leader or as an administrative leader? Why?

As stated by McMahon  In the education policy world, stakeholders are our way of lumping together every person affected by the education system into one easy word. It encompasses governors, state board chairs, legislators, superintendents, school board members, principals, teachers, parents, and students—not to mention the public at large.

Which leadership style or styles do you think will work best when working with learners, either as an adult learner instructor, a teacher-leader or as an administrative leader? Why?

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