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Does it make sense and/or is it reasonable?Does the conspiracy theory actually explain what happened?

Research Essay Assignment – Conspiracy Theories- Oh My!
For this next essay assignment, you will research a popular conspiracy theory. These theories have not been proven due to their lack of concrete evidence, which is why they are still considered a theory. Your task is to select a popular conspiracy theory, provide background information on the theory for your reader, research the reasons behind the theory and then provide either the flaw(s) or the reason(s) why they are true!
To put it simply, a conspiracy theory is an alternative explanation to an event. In order for a conspiracy theory to first begin, there has to be some lack of evidence or something that may not make sense. Unfortunately, what makes it a conspiracy and not reality is the lack of hard evidence. This is why it is difficult to prove a conspiracy theory.
These are important questions when looking at any conspiracy theory:
• Does it make sense and/or is it reasonable?
• Is there enough evidence to support the theory?
• Does the conspiracy theory actually explain what happened?

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