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Identify a problem you have seen or heard about in an organization and describe it.ick two core concepts from Work Rules and define them.

One of the foremost goals of any class I teach is to provide you with a quiver of tools you can take into the workforce. This assignment is designed to have you not only learn about these HR concepts but to practice applying them. My hope is that by so doing when you are in your career you will retain the knowledge you gain here and be able to pull this knowledge out and apply it to the problems you face on your job.
For Each Chapter
1. Pick two core concepts from Work Rules and define them.
2. Identify a problem you have seen or heard about in an organization and describe it.
3. Pick one of the two concepts you chose in part one and explain how you would apply it to solve the problem you identified in part two. Make sure to go deep into the logic of how this would apply and why you expect this approach to work.
Do not use a problem and solution that you have already seen used. This often ends up with not properly applying the concept to the problem you have selected and will result in lost points. Original thinking is the point of this exercise.

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