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Identify the factors that contribute to the prevalence of conduct disorder according to these theories.

For Milestone Two, you will submit a draft of Literature Review section of your final grant proposal.

Providing examples relevant or similar to your organizational environment is imperative for those reviewing the grant to truly gain an experiential perspective of the grant.

a. Problem/Need: Using American Psychiatric Association criteria and current professional research publications, how is conduct disorder identified/diagnosed in children and adolescents?

b. Theory Survey and Comparison: Survey current developmental theories.
i. Identify the factors that contribute to the prevalence of conduct disorder according to these theories.
ii. How do these different theories compare? What are their contrasting opinions in regard to prevalence and diagnosis of your
identified problem?

Identify the 3-5 main topics regarding the identified problem, and describe what the research has currently determined using the citation of multiple sources when appropriate.

Please ensure that you consider what PSYC

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