General background about blood types (ABO and Rh) noting antigens and antibodies for each
Brief explanation of how the testing works
Materials used:
4 3-well blood typing trays
4 volunteer “blood” samples
Anti-A antibody
Anti-B antibody
Anti-Rh antibody
12 stirring sticks
For each volunteer “blood” sample, put 2 drops of blood into three wells of one blood typing tray
Put two drops of Anti-A, Anti-B, and Anti-Rh antibodies in to the corresponding wells
Gently stir each well with a separate stick to prevent cross contamination
Agglutination (clumping) signifies a positive result, no agglutination is negative
Anti-A Anti-B Anti-Rh
Jones Neg Pos Neg
Smith Pos Neg Pos
Green Pos Pos Pos
Brown Neg Neg Neg
Determine the blood types of the four volunteers
Determine whose blood can be donated to the patient and explain why the others can not be used.