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. What do you think will be discovered or learned in astronomy or witnessed in your lifetime?

ASSIGNMENT After watching the two videos below, express your thoughts below about anything which has inspired or fascinated you in these videos, or from any of the material in this course. What do you think will be discovered or learned in astronomy or witnessed in your lifetime? https://xkcd.com/1248/ https://erikwernquist.com/wanderers/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oY59wZdCDo0

Why do objects that formed from the same cloud of gas have different compositions?

ASSIGNMENT It is worth noticing that the eight planets in our solar system make up two different groups; the four planets closest to the Sun make up the rocky terrestrial planets and the four planets farthest from the Sun make up the gaseous Jovian planets. Why do objects that formed from the same cloud of […]

After reading the article below as well as the weekly readings, write a 2-3 page comparison of Optical, Digital, and Laser Projection Systems.

ASSIGNMENT After reading the article below as well as the weekly readings, write a 2-3 page comparison of Optical, Digital, and Laser Projection Systems. At the end, include a paragraph reflecting on what you learned and which system you feel is the most advantageous for planetarium use. While you will use this article for reference, […]

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of different planetarium projection systems. In particular, compare and contrast systems which use spherical mirrors vs. the more traditional wide angle slide projectors. Include factors such as clarity, ease of use, and cost in your comparison.

ASSIGNMENT Consider the advantages and disadvantages of different planetarium projection systems. In particular, compare and contrast systems which use spherical mirrors vs. the more traditional wide angle slide projectors. Include factors such as clarity, ease of use, and cost in your comparison. Which system do you believe is the best for planetarium programs?

What does fair use mean? After reading the sources below regarding fair use policy and fair use in educational settings, summarize in your own words what fair use means and how it applies to planetarium programs

ASSIGNMENT What does fair use mean? After reading the sources below regarding fair use policy and fair use in educational settings, summarize in your own words what fair use means and how it applies to planetarium programs. https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/fair-use-rule-copyright-material-30100.html https://www.educationworld.com/a_curr/curr280.shtml

Share some examples of how the freedom and support to do science has changed since then. Do you think more can be done? If so, how so.

Watch this video, Cosmos – https://www.organism.earth/library/document/cosmos-3 Share your thoughts (at least 200 words) concerning the lives of Brahe, Kepler, their relationship, and the difficulties and development of science in the world at that time (do not discuss the astrology at the beginning of the video). Share some examples of how the freedom and support to […]

If the Southern horizon is -90 degrees away from your zenith, then what is the declination of your Southern horizon at your latitude?

TASK 1) You are at latitude 69.4 on Earth. What is the declination of your local zenith? Give your answer to one decimal place Only put the number of degrees. The question will only accept purely numerical answers. 2) You are an observer in the Northern hemisphere trying navigate your way to safety along the […]

How long does it take circumpolar stars – those stars that never set as seen from your location – to complete one circle around a celestial pole?

TASK How long does it take circumpolar stars – those stars that never set as seen from your location – to complete one circle around a celestial pole? How long does it take the stars seen from the equator – where all stars rise and set – to complete one circle around the equator? 24 […]

 What is the name of the model that explains the sunspot cycle as a consequence of the sun’s differential rotation?

Assignment 1.    The visible surface of the sun is called what? 2.    Granulation is caused by what type of currents in the outer part of the sun? 3.    What is the outermost part of the sun’s atmosphere called? 4.    How did Galileo conclude that the sun was rotating? 5.    The […]

What molecule in our atmosphere absorbs ultraviolet?-Why are the largest telescopes reflectors instead of refractors?

Assignment 1.The shorter the wavelength, the [more, less] energy it has. 2.    The longest wavelength of light is how many nm? 3.    Which has the shorter wavelength, red or blue light? 4.    The shortest electromagnetic waves are called what? 5.    What molecule in our atmosphere absorbs ultraviolet? 6.    A [reflector, […]

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