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Which site on the ribosome holds the growing polypeptide chain?In which site of the ribosome does the charged tRNA move into initially?

Choose the right answers

1 If the DNA sequence is AAG the amino acid that this encodes for is phenylalanine?

true or false

2 in which site of the ribosome does the charged tRNA move into initially?

a P site

b A site

c E site

d none of the sites

3 if the mRNA sequence is UAU then the amino acid this encodes for is valine?

true or false?

4 which site on the ribosome holds the growing polypeptide chain?

a E site

b A site

c Polypetide is not formed in a ribosome

d P site

5 A codon that encode for serine is AGU?

True or false

6 Can a person with type A blood and a person with type B blood have a chid with type O blood ?

a no it is impossible since A and B are dominant
b no, because they do not carry the O allele
c yes , if they both carry the O allele

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