You will title your paper “Psychology & Me: How I plan to Use what I Have Learned in Psychology to Achieve My Goals in Life”
Reflections/Paper Sections
Motivation & You
Use this as the main topic of your paper. Start with the sentence, “In 10 years, I see myself …”
Write about your future social life, your network, and the connections you’d like to make. Then add the sentence “In order to achieve this vision,
Include some thoughts about why you are in college. What kind of career would you LIKE to have? Are the things you are currently doing leading to this career? How would you achieve your short- and long-term goals? What obstacles might you face as you pursue your goals, and how would you overcome these obstacles? What are some daily and/or weekly activities you would have to engage in to achieve these goals?
Stress, Health, Sleep & You and Personality, Mental Health, and You
What emotions do you believe would help you achieve your goals? How would you try to maximize what you have learned about appraisal, positive emotions, and coping with negative emotions, to achieve your goals?
How do you appraise and manage your stress, as you move towards your goals?
What are some cultural and family practices that you have found to be helpful in managing your stress?
How does lack of sleep impact your health and how might that impact the move towards your goals?
As you have learned, stress negatively impacts many areas of a person’s life, including mental health. How might you manage your stress as a way of warding off any mental distress that you might experience?
What leisure activities can you engage in that would improve your mood and increase your energy as you move towards your goals?
How would you feel if you failed to achieve your goals, and how might you cope with failure?