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Create a PowerPoint presentation that covers three ideas on how to transform your chosen health care organization (e.g., XYZ Health to be a great place to work).

take a position as the CEO of XYZ Health for a day and address the following: • Create a PowerPoint presentation that covers three ideas on how to transform your chosen health care organization (e.g., XYZ Health to be a great place to work). • Justify the rationale behind your ideas.

Explain how the core determinants of health are impacting the health of your target population

Nursing Create a PowerPoint presentation to illustrate and explain how the core determinants of health are impacting the health of your target population utilizing the picture below. Note that you should briefly review all of the determinants and then choose the ones that impact your target group to talk about in the assignment. Be sure […]

What changes can you make that will result in improvement?

HEALTH Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Template Part 1: The purpose of Part 1 is for you to focus on your selected topic and start thinking about your plan. In 300-500 words, address the following key questions: What are you trying to accomplish? (The aim statement). How will you know if the change is an improvement? (What measures […]

Define and discuss social determinants of health.

1. Define and discuss social determinants of health 2. Explain the five domains of social determinants of health 3. Identify the contributions of social determinants of health, including cultural factors to the increased rate of obesity in the United States of America 4. How does Health People 2030 address social determinants of health? 5. Choose […]

Discuss the recommendations presented in this week’s class materials that have been introduced to prevent poor hospice performance.

Health Discussion Week 3 Discuss the recommendations presented in this week’s class materials that have been introduced to prevent poor hospice performance. Do you agree with the efforts to promote hospice quality of care? Explain why.

What are your personal philosophies in the 4 main concepts of nursing: a. the person (patient) b. the environment (situation)

1. A philosophy of nursing begins by identifying and highlighting the beliefs you feel are important to the profession itself. In your own words, what are your personal philosophies in the 4 main concepts of nursing: a. the person (patient) b. the environment (situation) c. health d. nursing (goals, roles, and functions)?

Describe how you might help someone you know with removing one of the barriers to better health.

1. Think about one area where you feel you could improve your health outcome by removing one of the health disparities barriers we discussed.If you do not feel that you have any barriers to good health, then describe how you might help someone you know with removing one of the barriers to better health. (I […]

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