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Explain why this law/legal statue is important for managers. Create a hypothetical scenario in which a manager must deal with an employee related to this law/legal statute.

There are four sections of your Final Exam. Please write in complete sentences and include all of the information specified in the exam instructions. Make sure to thoroughly describe/explain your answers. There are no length requirements but I would expect at least 1-2 pages, minimum, would be needed to cover everything. Feel free to use subheadings “Section 1”, “Section 2”, etc. Use APA format for your citations and include a references page in APA style. The two current event sources that you find for Section 3 must be included in your references page.

USE YOUR TEXTBOOK, CLASS SLIDES/LECTURES, and NOTES-– cite page numbers from your book whenever possible. Explain concepts thoroughly.

Pick an employment law/legal statute from any of the chapters in your textbook . Clearly identify the employment law that you have chosen and describe its’ provisions in your own words .

Explain why this law/legal statue is important for managers. Create a hypothetical scenario in which a manager must deal with an employee related to this law/legal statute.

Find two (2) separate employment-related current events related to this employment law/legal statue that have occurred within the past 5 years. Summarize each current event and explain their relevance for an HR manager. Make sure to include the two current event sources in your references page.

In your opinion, do you believe that this law is adequate and offers sufficient protections for employees and for employers? Why or why not? What could be changed about this law to improve it?

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