An Assessment of Carbon Monoxide Emissions in the East of England
Using a combination of data provided to you, and data sources such as Digimap, produce a report detailing the levels of Carbon Monoxide pollutant levels across the East of England, and any potential impacts this could have in the area.
• A shapefile containing Carbon Monoxide pollutant levels at over 200 locations for 2019
• A shapefile outlining the East of England
Additional data that may be needed:
• Basemapping for context:
o Miniscale mapping for the whole of Great Britain
o All scales of basemap can be downloaded from Digimap under the ‘Ordnance Survey’ heading. Perhaps useful for more localized maps.
• Aerial imagery for specific sites/at-risk areas. Available from Digimap
Additional contextual information that may be useful:
• Further information on the pollutant data:
o When was it collected?
o How reliable is it?
o What values are considered high/hazardous to health?