Critical Review of Research in area of Leadership and Management ((Methodology of Educational Research: Leadership and Management)
When reading the paper…
Why has Miller put ‘ ‘ around what works?
Could table 1 be dissected if you accessed the related papers for further exploration?
Could you say more about the reality for BAME individuals in each of the 4 types of institutions?
Is this issue an indicator of other possible issues? Linked to “Ahmed notes that some institutions have shown a ‘lack of commitment to change’”
Can you problematise the moving from these 4 studies to a new conceptual model?
Could stating the number of years experiences teachers have been misleading?
What wider implications are there from encouraging Positive actions by school leaders that can (and do) lead to a reduction in structural inequality
Are there conflicting studies out there? As these are all done by the same author, is this an issue?
Focus on the methods for your assignment