Part 1: Budget Report: Paper, Charts, and Graphs
Review the history, mission statement, test data, demographic information, per pupil expenditure, and current budget for the district.
Prepare the budget report and include any related graphs and charts.
• Write 175 words on district goals, as related to the mission statement
• Write 175 words on district objectives, as related to the mission statement
• Write 350 words on the description of district needs in the following areas:
o Limited-to-capital projects
o Enrollment
o Curriculum and technology enhancements
Write 350 words on the budget. Include the following:
• Rationale for specific changes in budget lines
• Special circumstances, such as increase or decrease in enrollment; increase or decrease in local, state, and/or federal funding; capital projects; bond issues; and new local or state legislation affecting the budget
• An explanation of the evaluation process
Format your paper according to APA guidelines.
Part 2: Visual Presentation
Create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® or Prezi presentation that aligns to your written report and includes the related graphs and charts. Highlight the important aspects of the school district financial plan and budget. Include speaker notes. Note: You may use another visual presentation format with instructor approval.
Part 3: Summary of Budget Information
Write a 350- to 700-word paper answering the questions below. Use the questions as headings. Insert diagrams, tables, bullets, images, paragraphs, and so forth, to explain your answers as clearly and concisely as possible.
1. What are some effective methods for funding capital outlay projects?
2. What are the necessary steps to coordinate a school and district budget?
3. What is the relationship between human resources and the budget?
4. How is the emerging role of teachers affecting human resources?