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List and describe the Basic Emotions that are universal to humans and primates alike.

Basic Emotional Development

Purpose: Students are able to better conceptualize the formation of Primary Emotions and their impact on early cognitive processes through visual representations of these emotions and their application to real life scenarios.
Instructions: The following clips are official trailers from Disney-Pixar’s film “Inside Out”, where you will get to “Meet the Emotions”: Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger, and Disgust. In the feature length film, we walk with the main character, Riley, as she develops the use of each of these “basic” emotions and then how they begin to interact with each other.

Watch the following clips and answer the reflection questions below:

• INSIDE OUT I Meet Joy I Official Disney Pixar UK n • INSIDE OUT I Meet Sadness I Official Disney Pixar UK n • INSIDE OUT I Meet Fear I Official Disney Pixar UK n • INSIDE OUT I Meet Anger I Official Disney Pixar UK n • INSIDE OUT I Meet Disgust I Official Disney Pixar UK n

Respond: In a 2-3 page paper; answer the following reflection questions as they pertain to the clips you have watched and your knowledge of Basic Emotional development in Infancy and toddlerhood.

• Now that you have “Met the Emotions,” discuss your initial emotional response to having Basic Emotions that you experience every day, personified on the screen in front of you.

List and describe the Basic Emotions that are universal to humans and primates alike.

• In the clips you watched from Disney-Pixar’s Inside Out, were all of the Basic Emotions represented in the animated characters? If not, why do you think certain emotions were included and others excluded?

• In the clips from Disney-Pixars’ Inside Out, do you think the portrayal of the emotions and their core attributes are in keeping with what the research tells us about the Basic Emotions in children?

• Discuss the adaptive purposes of each of the Basic Emotions and why each emotion is useful in the development, and ultimately, the survival of each child.

• Discuss the emergence of Self-Conscious Emotions in toddlerhood. List and describe four self-conscious emotions and how they differ from Basic Emotions.
Be sure your paper is 2-3 pages and formatted according to APA guidelines including in-text citations and a reference page citing any of the course resources (such as your textbook or journal articles) assigned for the week that you used.

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