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Choose an article whose main argument you disagree with or whose argument you think could be greatly improved

Essay II: From political opportunities to niche-openings: the dilemmas of mobilizing for immigrant rights in inhospitable environments

Read through the Essay Guide and the article. Follow all instructions of the "General guidelines" in the Essay Guide document for writing Essay II.

For essay II: The goal is critique. Choose an article whose main argument you disagree with or whose argument you think could be greatly improved. After concisely describing what the article’s argument is, levy 3-6 arguments against it. The critiques can be substantive (i.e. using topic-specific information), methodological (i.e. based on the article’s data or the ways the data was collected or analyzed), or based on logic (i.e. based on reasoning). Only include the critiques you think are most effective in refuting the argument.

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