Component 1: Investigate
Task 1 begins with an investigation of a priority academic area for a group of students where the school’s approach—through programs, services, and policies—needs to be improved. First, review available data to identify a priority academic area and targeted student group. A group may be all the students in a grade or content area; a subgroup would be a subset of this group based on demographic attributes or educational needs. For purposes of this task, you are encouraged to focus on different educational needs within a group of students, particularly giving attention to those who are part of federally designated priority student categories. For purposes of this task, the whole group (such as grade or subject area) and the priority subgroup selected for this task will be identified as group(s). The subgroup selected as a focus for this task is termed the target student group.
Next, collect additional data and information that justify why the academic area and student group(s) are being selected as priorities, and explain potential causes of or contributing factors to low performance. Your investigation should progress through the inquiry and planning process illustrated in Figure 1.1.