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How do self-managing teams create concertive control? What are some other examples of concertive control? Have you ever been a part of a self-managing team or a flat/horizontal organization?


Cheney, G., Christensen, L. T., Theodore E. Zorn, J., & Ganesh, S. (2010). Organizational communication in an age of globalization: Issues, reflections, practices (2nd ed.). Waveland Press.

Respond to two of the following questions using full sentences and referencing the textbook. When you’re finished, respond to two of your peer’s posts.

  • How do self-managing teams create concertive control? What are some other examples of concertive control? Have you ever been a part of a self-managing team or a flat/horizontal organization?
  • What values are expressed by the team members in the example from The Soul of a New Machine, and how did these values become norms and rules? How effective were the values, norms, and rules as a system of control?
  • What are the advantages of working in a concertive control environment such as self managing teams? What are the disadvantages of working in a concertive control environment?


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