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Write an Essay about a person who has influenced the safety field or leadership


Write an Essay about a person who has influenced the safety field or leadership

Instructions: Using APA style, write a minimum 5-page essay, not including your reference page.

Do not create a cover page. Try to make your essay interesting (for you, not me) about one of the following people and how they influenced safety management or leadership; You may use quotes as long as you fully cite and reference your sources.

Include all of these headings in your paper:
1) Bio and items of interest about the person.
2) Influence and contributions to safety or leadership.
3) Their specific ideas – explain their ideas in some detail.
4) What did you learn? Use your opinion about whether you agree or disagree, etc.
5) Practical application – How can safety professionals specifically apply their concepts?
6) References – Don’t forget to include all of your references

Safety Heroes:
 Fred Manuele
 Dan Petersen
 H. W. Heinrich
 Alphonse Chapanis
 Terry Mathis
 Thomas Krause
 Paul O’Neal
 Sidney Dekker
 Elaine Cullen
 E. Scott Geller
 Kathy Seabrook

Leadership Gurus:
 W. Edwards Deming
 Peter Drucker
 Robert Greenleaf
 John Kotter
 John Maxwell
 Jim Collins

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