Lab 7 Vegetables
Experiment 1: Degorging
To demonstrate the effect of sweating on cabbage.
1/8 head of red cabbage
Up to 1 teaspoon salt
Wash, then peel the leaves from 1/4 of cabbage. Dry as best you can after washing
Cut to shred it ½ of this amount (1/8 head) of cabbage (reserve ½ for experiment 2) if not already shredded.
Put 2 paper towels out; 1 for control, 1 for degorged.
Place ½ shredded cabbage on the control paper towel.
Place the other ½ shredded on the degorged paper towel and prinkle on salt as shown in this video.
Mix the degorged cabbage and salt well and allow to degorge for 35-45 minutes.
Rinse before evaluating. You can cook what you don’t end up using for evaluation if you’d like to consume more of it.
Experiment 2: Blanching
To demonstrate the effect of blanching and shocking on cabbage.
1/8 head of red cabbage (reserved from experiment 1)
Note: Reserve a sample of each vegetable and the water used to boil your vegetable in for use in experiment 3.
Put enough water into the saucepan to cover the cabbage leaves after they are added. Heat on high.
Fill a clean bowl with ice water (big enough so that half the blanched cabbage can be submerged).
Once water is boiling, carefully add the 1/8 head cabbage reserved from experiment 1 to the boiling water. Cook for 2-3 minutes (until color becomes bright and vibrant but slightly softened).
Use a slotted spoon or tongs to remove the cabbage from the boiling water. (KEEP COOKING LIQUID).
Place ½ of what is removed into the ice water to shock it. Chill for the same amount of time they were boiled.
Place the other at room temperature for evaluation.
Experiment 3: The Effect of pH on Vegetable Pigments
To observe the effects of acid and alkali on plant pigments.
Degorging liquid from first experiment
Cooking liquid from second experiment
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon white vinegar
Label three custard cups or other small bowls/vessels: cup 1 – base, cup 2 – acid, and cup 3 – control for each liquid (3 total).
Divide the reserved cooking liquid from experiment 2 equally into 3 custard cups.
Add nothing to the custard cup labeled control. Add ½ teaspoon baking soda to the custard cup labeled base. Add ½ teaspoon vinegar to the custard cup labeled acid.
Evaluate and record color changes using the table provided.