- What is the geographic distribution of your trees?
- Based on your analyses, what is the range of your trees?
- Compare this to the Plants USDA map and discuss any differences.
2.What is the climate niche of your trees?
- Based on your analyses, what type of climate habitat does your tree live in currently?
- What do you predict will happen?
- Make a prediction about how you think climate change will affect the distribution of your trees in Minnesota
4.Present your results 1
- Show the change in suitable habitat in for your two trees
- You can choose to show Minnesota or North American maps, depending on what you think is more interesting.
5.Present your results 2
- Show the change in net % habitat availability and % loss of current habitat for your two trees
- Conclusions, Part 1
- Was your prediction correct?
- How much confidence do you have in your results given differences between models?
- Will your species continue to be able to live in Minnesota?
- What biotic and abiotic factors might limit your species ability move to new suitable habitat?
7.Conclusions, Part 1
In addition to climate change and shifting habitats, what are some other threats your tree species face? Spend some time researching this question.
- Cite at least one specific threat faced by one of your species.
- If neither species is facing a threat, discuss why your trees are so successful (include at least one citation).
- Restoration and Conservation
- Spend some time researching any active restoration and/or conservation efforts concerning your tree species.
This could include (but is not limited to):
● Habitat restoration
● Habitat conservation
● Individual conservation
● Reintroductions