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Which sound effects were effective, in your estimation? Pick one of the examples and explain its impact.


English 102

  1. If you had to distill the episode into a thesis statement, what is the thesis of this episode?
  1. Which sound effects were effective, in your estimation? Pick one of the examples and explain its impact.
  1. Does this episode change your perceptions of any historical figures? Why or why not?
  1. This is all very interesting information, but how does the author move from the information to the “so what?” of the argument? How does she make us understand the implications of our history and the need to care?
  1. Why would some people think that this work is harmful to learn about? Why do some people have such a vocal and passionate objection to this document?
  1. Understanding that this has now been made into a filmic documentary, what strengths does this podcast have in relation to other genres?

Remember that it should still be, at least, 150 words, so pick a question that will allow you to make an informed answer

listen to the first episode of the 1619 podcast (it can be accessed through any podcast service, or you can just Google it and there is a free version available)


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