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Write a paragraph about the Saudi Tash Ma Tash series . Who usually watches the program? Why is it popular?

College 3; Level 2 , Unit 1

Level 2- Unit 1 – 6 different paragraphs, each paragraph consists of at least 11 sentences, with conditions applied

1 .Write a paragraph about a Saudi Kabsa and why it is popular .
2 .Write a paragraph about a Mansaf food and why it is popular.
3 .Write a paragraph about a Curry Wurst (German Meal) and why it is popular .
4 .Write a paragraph about the Saudi Tash Ma Tash series . Who usually watches the program? Why is it popular?
5 -Write a paragraph about Oprah Winfrey Show . Who usually watches the program? Why is it popular?
6. Write a paragraph about The Doctors Program . Who usually watches the program? Why is it popular?


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