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Describe the musical style and the impact of the Ramones-How did the punk scene in England differ from that in New York?


History of Rock Music

Worksheet 6

Summarize the various musical influences and styles that led to Reggae in Jamaica.

What was the theme of the film The Harder They Come? What role did that movie play in developing an audience for reggae music?

Who were the principal members of the Velvet Underground? Describe the band’s musical style.

How were the Stooges different from the Velvet Underground? What were they noted for?

Who were the New York Dolls? Describe their look and style.

Describe the scene that developed at CBGBs, including the bands that first played there.

Describe the musical style and the impact of the Ramones

How did the punk scene in England differ from that in New York?


What are some of the musical elements that distinguish the Talking Heads?

What are the elements of 70s funk music that were created by James Brown?

How did Sly and the Family Stone differ from James Brown?


Who were the principal figures in Parliament/Funkadelic? Describe their unique style.

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