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Based on what you have learned and understood from the above article,critically evaluate how agile the following HR areas are in your organization (or any organization you are familiar with)

In preparation for this assignment, you are required to read the following article about the agile transformation of various Human Resource (HR) areas, to meet the challenges of the current times:

Cappelli, P & Tavis, A, 2018 ‘HR Goes Agile Open this document with Read Speaker doc Reader’, Harvard Business Review vol. 96, no. 2, pp. 46-52.

Based on what you have learned and understood from the above article and your knowledge of the concepts and principles presented in this subject, critically evaluate how agile the following HR areas are in your organization (or any organization you are familiar with):

Talent selection
Managing employees’ performance/performance appraisals
Training and coaching employees
Establishing employee pay structure/compensation
Learning and development of employees for future success
Ensure you begin your assignment by providing an introduction of the organization. After evaluating each of the above HR areas, provide recommendations on how these HR areas can be improved in the organization.

The required word length for this assignment is 3000 words (plus or minus 10%). As there are five HR areas that you are addressing, it is advised that you give equal weight (word count) to each area (i.e. 600 words for each topic).
You are required to follow AIB standard report format, in terms of structure, presentation and style. Please refer to AIB style guide and assignment template for further details.
Acknowledge the sources of facts appropriately. Use a minimum of 10 (ten) academic journal articles to support your arguments. You may use additional credible sources such as academic books, industry-related journals, magazines, and company documents. It is advised that you use at least 2 (two) academic journal articles for each area of HR being addressed.
All articles used should be no longer than 10 years, unless using seminal work.
Your grade will be adversely affected if your response does not acknowledge the sources of information you have used (see Assessment Policy available on AIB website).
The reference list is not included in the word count.

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