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Select two similar sector companies listed on an organized exchange for which you can access its data over the past five years and conduct analysis.

Assessor: Module Lecturer

The first assessment is a 1,200-word essay paper. In this assignment you need to select two similar sector companies listed on an organized exchange for which you can access its data over the past five years and conduct analysis as requested in the assignment question.  For the purposes of this assignment, no financial service or real-estate/construction related companies will be allowed due to their somewhat complex financial structures.


The aim of this coursework is to provide the opportunity to apply your knowledge and understanding acquired in the module in an empirical investigation of UK listed specific companies, in the actual context of their contemporary business reality.

The focus is on the individual and comparative analysis of the two chosen companies (which moreover must be approved by you tutor). You should do an empirical investigation aiming at the capital structure and a ratio analysis of these two companies. The work requires exploring the current circumstances and recent developments in both the companies and their industry in the context of their broader economic environment. It should also include the consideration of the impact of the industry conditions and the economic environment for the chosen companies.

Information on the companies and industries, such as accounting, market and economic data, you can find on financial databases, like the Thomson One, Data strea, Bloomberg, Fame, and Yahoo finance, the company’s web page or any other credible source of financial data and information that are publicly available and free-of-charge, so as the data are accessible and verifiable. You should quote clearly and consistently your sources in the text, as and when you use the information, and fully disclose them in your list of references.


Assessment Criteria;

  • Report format You will need to write your assignment considering the report structure explained in the above pages i.e. you need to organize your work to show a title page, contents, summary, 5 marks will be given to a high-quality report format, this includes formatting tables, figures and equations.
  • Investigate the capital structure of the two companies as it emerges in their reported financial statements. Identify similarities and differences and offer possible Explore and describe the changes over the recent years but focus on discussing and explaining your findings. Your investigation can be extended back to five or ten years.
  • Perform a ratio analysis focusing on the information which is relevant and important to external providers of capital for these.
  • Proper citation of references: 5 marks will be awarded for a correct citing and referencing within the main body of the assignment (this includes the proper use of references where needed inside your assignment). 5 marks will be awarded for a correctly provided list of references at the end.

In your discussion you can include information and explanations offered by the companies and their managers, financial analysts and financial press but you should provide your own critical evaluation. Making clear your personal contribution with your own interpretation and evaluation is key element of a good essay. You should make sure that it is clear and precise. In developing your discussion, you should consider both theoretical and empirical evidence from the academic literature. Your report should have a proper and clear structure and flowing and coherent discussion.

Any time you use information, data or other material you must properly acknowledge it in the text and report the source appropriately in the list of references at the end. If you use actual extract from a source, you should place it in speech quotes. Your references to sources in the text and the reporting of sources in the list of references should be in line to the references in the academic literature.

You should include both the methods that you have employed and your findings. Importance will be placed on the way that you demonstrate your knowledge and understanding and the completeness of your discussion.

Your report should be no longer than 1,200 words, excluding: the diagrams, tables, formulas and the list of references. Appendices are also not included in the word count, but they should be used for relevant data and information rather than as a creative way to extend the word limit.

You should use appropriate cover page and write your report in double space text format and font 12 Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial. The page setup should be 1’ (2.5 cm) margin on all sides and you should include the word count in the Cover Page.


The raw data with the detailed calculations and formulas should be kept well organized in an Excel spreadsheet which is also to be submitted to Turnitin.

Submission of Report

This assessment element is to be submitted to Turnitin. You will find a link to the Turnitin Assignment from the Assessments area of the Blackboard course menu.

You will need to ensure that your written assignment is uploaded as a single document, and in the correct format (e.g. a Word document or PDF – the acceptable file formats are displayed on screen when you come to submit via Turnitin).  Your excel file should be uploaded to a separate link provided for that purpose.


50-60% Outstanding understanding of basic concepts and terminology

Able to select most appropriate of any required method and produce superb analysis

Ability to (categorise -level 1; reformat –level 2; transform –level 3) ideas and information towards a given purpose with outstanding (usefulness – level 1) creativity

Selects most appropriate tools and can critically evaluate contradictory arguments in a highly reasoned way.

Defines complex problem and selects most appropriate method for solution.

Very effective communication in appropriate formats at a professional



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