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Develop a speech outline to logically organize ideas and arguments supported by credible  sources.

Persuasive Speech (Total Points: 15)

Unit Objectives
Make use of the audience analysis worksheet provided to examine the demographic,  psychological, and contextual features of your audience for each presentation given.
Develop and deliver a speech that includes oral and written research citations as well as the  appropriate verbal and nonverbal techniques presented in the course text and materials by  using note cards during their delivery.
Utilize technology (slideware: PowerPoint, Prezi, Google Docs, etc.) to elaborate on  speech content.
Develop a speech outline to logically organize ideas and arguments supported by credible  sources.
Course Objectives
Objective 2:
Apply elements of audience analysis by conducting an analysis for the audience  present at each speech given.
Objective 4:
Research, develop and deliver extemporaneous speeches with effective verbal  and nonverbal techniques.
Objective 5:
Demonstrate effective usage of technology when researching and/or presenting  speeches.
Objective 7:
Develop proficiency in presenting a variety of speeches as an individual or group  (e.g. narrative, informative, or persuasive).

General Ed. Competencies

Laredo Community College students develop and express ideas through  effective written, oral, or visual communication for various academic and professional  contexts.
Critical Thinking:
Laredo Community College students demonstrate the ability to design,  analyze, synthesize and/or evaluate information to achieve a desired goal.
Objectives will be met by students presenting a well-organized, well-researched informative  speech that includes PowerPoint or some other computer-based visual aid. Students will  submit:
1. Presentation link to YouTube video
2. A complete outline (see below) that includes a reference page in APA format (include  at the end of outline as separate page). There are 2 outline options but you will choose  only 1 outline option.
3. A visual aid (You do not need to show it to audience but IF you were to be in a  traditional face to face classroom, what slideware, etc. would you share?)
4. A completed audience analysis form  (access here )
5. An audience (at least 6 individuals) that is visible in your video (please scan them  before beginning your presentation) and a completed audience analysis document  describing them.

Rubric available on last page
Assignment Purposes: ● To choose a topic, important to you, about which to persuade your audience.
● To practice your research, reasoning and argumentation skills.
● To cite at least FOUR sources. FOUR, credible sources will at least give you an average
grade for supporting materials. Please remember to cite the source of any research
information within the speech and on your outline. Use APA format to identify your
sources. ● To learn how to use ethical and logical appeals to persuade your audience to change an
attitude, opinion, belief, value, public policy, or personal behavior.
● To structure your ideas using a persuasive organizational pattern appropriate for your
topic & purpose.
● To clearly organize a persuasive presentation.
● To use interesting opening and closing materials/strategies.
● To demonstrate effective vocal and physical delivery.
Time Frame : SIX to EIGHT minutes (minimum/maximum: graded down if you go under/over!)
Keep in mind there is a whole class we want to listen to, so please do not go over the time.
Your speech must include the following elements:
1.) Use at least four outside sources
2.) Use reliable outside research and refer to it within the speech Dr. Susan Smith, in The New Yorker, suggests that “………………………”
3.) Adhere to time constraints: less than six minutes or over seven minutes will reduce grade

Indicate on your outline—by highlighting—where ↑ these elements are used in your
On your outline,
in addition to using an alphanumeric format and completely writing out the  introduction, conclusion and
transitions , please indicate on your outline  the type of persuasive  speech you’re giving: to convince, inspire or actuate.
Finally, be sure to have an APA
Reference page. P.S. Practice, practice, practice, and breathe and you’ll do fine.

See below :
1. Information re: persuasion and ways to assist you in being persuasive
2. Two possible outlines from which to choose the organizational strategy for your speech
* Choose one issue you really care about.
* Analyze pros/cons; look at it inside/out and outside/in.

This enhances your “critical thinking skills.”
* Effects of speech?
1. To convince (beliefs or attitudes)
2. To inspire (listeners’ feelings)
3. To actuate (call to action)
* Three general methods to persuade:
1. Ethos is an appeal to speaker character and credibility.
2. Logos is the use of logic and reasoning to persuade.
3. Pathos is the appeal to human emotion to persuade.

Speaker credibility Logic / Reasoning Emotions

* KNOW subject
* Document sources
* Cite sources
NO: “from the web”
* Acknowledge your
personal involvement

* 3-4 good points
Primacy : most important
point first
Recency : most important
point last
* Where you put it depends

* Tap audience’s values
through the ETHICAL use
* Slow rate of speech
during emotional appeal

* Focus your goals.
Choose battles.
* Establish common
ground w/audience.
* Surprising info. can be

upon the type of audience
you have.

* Use good eye contact.
Outline option #1
Persuasive Speech Worksheet

This is one type of organization. See below for a 2 nd
option. General Purpose Statement: To convince, to inspire, or to actuate Specific Purpose Statement: to convince, inspire, or actuate…what?

Attention Getter (create interest in the topic)
B. Relevancy or reason this issue is important to the audience
C. Establish credibility
D. Definition of crucial terms (if appropriate)
E. Thesis: position statement of your argument
preview of main points
Transition sentence to the first reason

Reason #1 FOR your argument
Whether or not you put your arguments FOR
1 st
and your objections
2 nd
depends on your
audience. It is possible that your audience might want to hear your analysis of their objections
1 st , and then they “may” be more open to hearing arguments FOR.

A. Explanation of reason #1
B. Evidence to support reason #1 Transition sentence to the second reason


Reason #2 FOR your argument A. Explanation for reason #2 B. Evidence to support reason #2
Creative transition sentence to the 1 st

Objection #1 to your argument
A. Explanation of objection #1
B. Evidence to support objection #1
Transition sentence to the 2 nd

Objection #2 to your argument
A. Explanation of objection #2
B. Evidence of objection #2
Creative transition sentence to Action

Call to Action
A. Restatement of main points
B. Call to action
C. Clear and concrete steps toward taking action
D. Memorable concluding statement (a “pithy”/to the point ending)

Outline option #2
Monroe’s Motivated Sequence Worksheet General Purpose Statement: to convince, to inspire, or to actuate

Specific Purpose Statement: to convince, inspire, or actuate…what?


Attention Getter (create interest in the topic)
B. Relevancy or reason this issue is important to the audience
C. Establish credibility
D. Definition of crucial terms (if appropriate)
E. Proposition & Thesis: position statement of your argument
preview of main points
Transition sentence into first main point
II. Body
1. Establish a need for action
a. Description of problem
b. Signs, symptoms, effects of problem
c. Evidence of problem (examples, narrative, testimony)
2. Importance of Problem
a. Extent of problem

b. Facts/Statistics
c. Expert testimony
Creative transition sentence into second main point (idea: summarize need/preview solution)
B. SOLUTION that satisfies Need
1. Description of the solution
a. How solution satisfies need
b. How solution can be implemented
1. Plan of action
2. Steps of plan
i. Step one of plan
ii. Step two of plan, etc.
Creative transition sentence into third main point
C. VISUALIZE results
1. Describe expected results of action
2. Describe consequences of INACTION
Transition sentence into conclusion
A. Restate main points
B. Tie solution back to summary

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