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Provide 5 examples of active fire control and three examples of passive fire control as nominated in either Volume 1 or 2 of the BCA (NCC)

CPCCBC4001A Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for low rise building projects.


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This assessment 1 has been designed to allow you to provide partial evidence of your competence in the unit CPCCBC4001A Apply building codes and standards to the construction process for low rise building projects.

In completing your final assessments, you will show evidence of your ability to:

  • Access and interpret relevant code and standard requirements
  • Classify buildings
  • Apply fire protection requirements.


For this assessment you will need to access and show your understanding of the National Construction Code (NCC) for low rise residential and commercial buildings (Volume 1: Classes 2 to 9 and Volume 2: Class 1 and 10 construction). This includes the NCC specifications for:

  • deemed-to-satisfy provisions (DTS)
  • performance requirements
  • fire protection requirements.

Read the instructions and complete your answers for Parts A, B and C below.

Part A

For each of the building types shown in the table below, refer to a copy of the NCC and identify the following:

  • relevant NCC/BCA class for its design and construction requirements
  • NCC/BCA Volume
  • NCC/BCA Part.

An example is provided:


Building type NCC class type Which NCC/BCA Volume and Part can this class be found in?
Example: Car park Class 7a Volume 1 – 2016 – NCC – A3.2.7.a
Volume 1 & 2 – 2019 – NCC – A6.7.a
Guest house Class 1b.i


Class 3a

Volume 1 – 2016 – NCC – A3.2.1.b.i or A3.2.3.a
Volume 1 & 2 – 2019 – NCC – A6.1.b.i or A6.3.a
Single dwelling/detached house Class 1a.i Volume 1 – 2016 – NCC – A3.2.1.a.i
Volume 1 & 2 – 2019 – NCC – A6.1.a.i
Swimming pool Class 10b Volume 1 – 2016 – NCC – A3.2.10.b
Volume 1 $ 2 – 2019 – NCC –A6.10.b
Laboratory Class 8a Volume 1 – 2016 – NCC – A3.2.8.a
Volume 1 & 2 – 2019 – NCC – A6.8.a
Storage facility Class 7b Volume 1 – 2016 – NCC – A3.2.7.b
Volume 1 & 2 – 2019 – NCC – A6.7.b
Office building for professional purposes Class 5 Volume 1 – 2016 – NCC – A3.2.5
Volume 1 & 2 – 2019 – NCC – A6.5
Private garage Class 10a Volume 1 – 2016 – NCC – A3.2.10.a
Volume 1 & 2 – 2019 – NCC – A6.10.a
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Part B

Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow:


Recall the new home and garage that Sullivon Constructions is building for David and Tara King in earlier assessments. Jai, the builder for Sullivon Constructions, is responsible for planning and overseeing the construction of this project. In this process, Jai needs to check that the construction of the house and garage meets the requirements of the NCC/BCA.

In order to ensure all aspects of the buildings are compliant, Jai will refer to the:

  • relevant part of Volume 2 for each aspect of the building project
  • related performance criteria that specify the NCC/BCA requirements for building items
  • deem-to-satisfy (DTS) provisions that are considered to be acceptable forms of construction to meet the NCC/BCA performance requirements
  • relevant Australian Standards for the construction methods and materials used.

Below is the table Jai will use to ensure his project is compliant with the NCC. Complete the table by referring to a copy of the NCC/BCA Volume 1 and Volume 2 and identifying each area for compliance.

To complete the table:

  • Select two possible building project elements and list the relevant NCC section that sets out the requirements for that item
  • List the NCC performance requirement reference numbers
  • List two NCC DTS provisions
  • List the relevant Australian Standards reference number for the DTS provisions listed.

An example is provided:

Sullivon Constructions building project element and NCC section.

(use two examples below)

NCC performance requirement reference numbers. Are there any DTS (Deemed-to-Satisfy) provisions for each project element?

(e.g. materials, components, design factors and/or construction methods used to comply with performance requirements).

Australian Standards reference number.

NCC Volume 2: 3.2 Footings and Slabs

P2.1.1 Structural stability and resistance to actions, P2.1.2 Construction of buildings in flood hazard areas Footing and slab construction, Concrete AS 2870-2011 Residential slabs and footings, AS 3600:2018 Concrete structures
Roof cladding

e.g. Roof tiles, metal roofing, plastic sheet roofing

NCC Volume 2: 3.5.1

P2.1.1 Structural stability and resistance to action, P2.2.2 Weatherproofing Roof tiling, Metal sheet roofing, AS 2049-2002 & AS 2050-2002 Roofing tiles, AS 1562.1-1992 Metal Roofing, AS/NZS 4256 P1,2,3-1994,P5-1996 & AS/NZS 1562.3-1996 Plastic sheet roofing
Steel garage frame


NCC Volume 2: 3.4.2 Steel framing


P2.1.1 Structural stability and resistance to action P3.4.2 Steel framing AS 4100-1998 steel structures, AS/NZS 4600-2005 Cold-formed steel structures
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Part C

Read the scenario below and answer the questions that follow:


  • Jai’s building planning and construction process is progressing well for the house, garage & workshop which Sullivon Constructions is building for David and Tara King. By checking the development control plan, Jai has determined that the King’s building works are in a designated bushfire prone area (BAL29). Jai now needs to ensure he applies the appropriate NCC/BCA fire protection requirements. To achieve this, Jai needs to identify and apply:
  • active and passive fire controls for both the garage & workshop and proposed house
  • the required level of fire resistance for the construction of both buildings.
  • Below is the table Jai will use to check that he is applying the appropriate NCC/BCA fire protection requirements. Complete the table for Jai by referring to a copy of the NCC/BCA Volume 1 and Volume 2 and identifying each area for fire safety compliance.

An example is provided:

Proposed materials Compliance for BAL 29 Required changes to materials BCA / NCC clause
e.g. 4mm safety glass for windows No 5mm toughened glass Window assemblies, shutters and screens where fitted, must comply with clauses 7.5.1, 7.5.1A and 7.5.2(a) or (b)(i), (ii), (iii) & (v) of the BAL29 requirements of AS3959
Metal sheet roofing for house



 No Roof tiling and use of non-combustible timber Roofs must comply with clauses 7.6.1, 7.6.2, 7.6.3, 7.6.4 and 7.6.6 of the BAL29 requirements of AS 3959
Rolling steel garage door


yes No change needed Doors and door frames and shutters and screens where fitted must comply with clauses 7.5.1. 7.5.1A and 7.5.3(a) or (b) or (c)(i)(A),(C) or (D), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi) and (vii), 7.5.4 and 7.5.5 of the BAL29 requirements of AS 3959

Hint: Information about NCC fire safety requirements is also available in your on-line course material, Module 3: Building Codes and Standards.

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  • Briefly outline the way in which Australian Standards should be used to ensure that all building items comply with fire protection requirements: (100 words max)

Fire safety is a crucial responsivity for everyone in charge of overseeing buildings and facilities of all sizes. However, to ensure that the Australian Standards on fire protection adequately solve issues of safety to occupants and buildings, it’s vital that:

  1. Sufficient fire safety trainings are provided to building occupants.
  2. Fire protection equipment on site is routinely serviced to ensure proper working order.
  3. Property managers should update themselves with any changes in the Australian Standards to ensure full compliance and high level protection against fire.
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  • You are to record evidence of existing buildings (Class 1a or 10a), to determine passive and active fire protection requirements. You are to use an A4 journal to record and collect this data. Include photos, free hand sketches and short written descriptions in your own words.

Submit one page of your journal related to the observed fire protection of at least two buildings.

Passive Fire Protection Active Fire Protection
Dampers Fire extinguishers
Fire doors Sprinklers
Fire walls and fire floors  


Part D

For this part of the assessment, you will be required to record a short video presentation. Read the instructions below carefully before recording the presentation.

Create a short video (no longer than 5 minutes) of yourself providing an overview and explanation of the following information:

  • Provide an explanation of the principles of building classification
  • Provide one example of the purpose for each classification of building (1 – 10)
  • Provide 5 examples of active fire control and three examples of passive fire control as nominated in either Volume 1 or 2 of the BCA (NCC)
  • Outline the type of construction required for a Class 2 building with a rise in storeys of 2.

Recording and uploading your video to Open Space

Because the video is short, you may not be able to explain or demonstrate everything in detail. For example, the assessor will not need to see you explaining every detail of a policy or procedure. The thing to remember is that your assessor needs to be confident after watching the video that you have the skills and knowledge to competently complete the task identified.

You can create your video using your mobile device or your laptop. You can set up your device yourself or ask a friend or colleague to do the video recording. Each video should be no longer than six minutes.

Make sure you:

  • write down your questions/topics before you start
  • think about doing one question/topic at a time
  • do a practice run and time yourself before you start
  • check the audio before you start recording

Before you start recording your video

Please look at the OpenSpace video function by clicking on this link for instructions.

Videoing others in your presentation

Please note the following:

If you are videoing in a workplace, please advise your manager of this assessment task.

If you are videoing in a venue or location outside your workplace, please seek permission from relevant manager prior to proceeding with the video.

  • Confidentiality: Please advise your colleagues and/or other participants that you are undertaking this task as part of your course assessment and that you will not intentionally use any of their personal details. Please advise participants the video will be sent to Open Colleges for assessment purposes only.
  • Permission: Make sure you seek the permission of your colleagues and/or other participants and advise that they can stop participating in the video at any point in the process.
  • Consent: Generally, participating in the video implies consent from the participants. However, please advise participants well before your presentation that the video will be sent to Open Colleges for assessment purposes. Advise the participants/team members that if they have any concerns or objections to potentially being recognized in the video by others they are not obliged to participate.  Ask all participants to complete the Audio and video consent form. This must be completed and submitted with this assessment.

Items to submit as evidence for this assessment:

1.    Completed tables in Parts A, B and C of this assessment. o
2.   One page of your journal related to the observed fire protection of at least two buildings. o
2.    Submit a short video addressing all of the prescribed criteria o


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