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Explain why Keynes’ opening line is “Prepare for the return of the master” … Who is the master, where did they go, and why?

Survey of economics Discussions 7

Part 1:

This week we discussed economic systems and schools of economic thought.  Please pick one of the following options for your original discussion board post:

  1. Research a Current Event. Find a current event in the news from a reputable source.  Post the link to two articles discussing this event and answer the following questions:
    • In 1-3 sentences, summarize the event
    • In 2-3 sentences, relate the event to the concepts we studied in class this week
    • In 2-3 sentences, offer your own insight into the economics of the event.

Resources to help you find news articles:

The response to this post includes further discussion of the event or discussing further ways in which this event relates to class.


  • Explain why Keynes’ opening line is “Prepare for the return of the master” … Who is the master, where did they go, and why?
  • Summarize both Keynesian and Austrian (Hayek) arguments. Which seems more plausible?  Why?
  • Most governments follow a Keynesian model of the economy. Why is this?


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