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Discuss the opportunities and the challenges middle income countries face in undertaking national development strategies similar to the East Asian Tigers.

This is a development studies essay which requires the candidate to draw on key theories in national development strategy and discuss the applicability of these theories to the a middle-income country which is Malaysia. By assessing the development experience and compare and contrast it to the national context of Malaysia and provide insight into the potential national development model Malaysia may undertake.

The comments on the current essay:
he paragraph on characteristics are, again, simply stated and no subsequent application to the national context of Malaysia was made, the entire section was descriptive and lacks analysis. In terms of evidence, limited evaluation was provided which forms weak and ambiguous arguments that does not fully answer the question.

The race argument misses the point on developmental state which stresses the importance of state guidance in development, hence the analysis was supposed to focus on how did the Malaysia development model fit into the model, if not, why?

The comparison between Malaysia and other Asian countries was intuitive and necessary to answer the question on how did one’s development experience contribute to solving or raising questions for Malaysia.

Overall, the current draft is descriptive and does not answer the question, hence needs rewriting.

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